
What are Sacrificial Rituals

What are Sacrificial Rituals

The sacrificial system is a hereditary social practice in the human race, that is, a social system. In this traditional system, many innocent creatures including human beings are killed by the human race. There are many religions in the world in which the practice of this practice is found. This is a system of self-interest by mankind. Which is called sacrificial ritual. 

In ancient times, according to the scriptures, Goddess Bhagwati took a formidable form to put an end to the wicked. She is known as Maa Kali. Kali or Mahakali is a major goddess of Hinduism. This is the dark and fearful form of the beautiful goddess Parvati. Which originated for the destruction of the Asuras. He is especially worshiped in Bengal, Odisha and Assam. Kali is also considered one of the ten Mahavidyas of the Shakta tradition. The right pindi in Vaishno Devi is of Mahakali. 

Kali is derived from Kaal or Time. Who makes everyone his grass. This is the form of mother. who is the destroyer. But this form is only for them. who are of demonic nature. In whom there is no mercy. This form is supposed to give victory to good over evil. Therefore, Maa Kali is the well wisher of good people. and is revered. He is also called Mahakali.

When did the Sacrificial System Start ?

This practice started in the year 1805, after the Gorkha invasion in the Bunkhal-Kalinka temple. After about 165 years, in the 70s, the voice against the sacrificial system began to be raised across Garhwal.

What are the Types of Sacrifices

There are two forms of sacrifice. Under the Vedic Panchamahayagya, there are Bhootayagyas. They are designated in the scriptures by the word Bali or Baliharan or Bhoot Bali. The second is the sacrifice of animals etc. The portion of food that is kept aside at the time of performing Vishwadev karma. That is the first sacrifice.

Due to Sacrificial

Sacrifice is mainly done for two reasons. Religious and selfish whether in Hinduism or Muslim religion. 

Why is Sacrifice done in Hinduism?

Bali is used to please the deities. Under the sacrificial system, there is a practice of sacrificing goat, rooster or buffalo. In Hinduism, sacrifices are offered especially to Maa Kali and Kaal Bhairav. are considered. That man sacrifices animals to Maa Kali to fulfill his wish. 

Why Sacrifice is done in Muslim Religion?

According to Islamic belief, Eid-ul-Zuha is celebrated in memory of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim. On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, along with offering Namaz in Muslim religion, animals are also sacrificed. According to Islam, people of Muslim religion make sacrifices for the pleasure of Allah. 

Various types of sacrificial practices are found in different countries, religions and communities. As :-

Male Sacrifice

It has been said and heard since ancient times. That once upon a time in this world innocent human beings were sacrificed by humans only. But its evidence is unclear. 

Animal Sacrifice

Animal sacrifice has been going on in India since ancient times. Even today innocent animals are sacrificed somewhere in the temples. This is the belief of the people. By sacrificing the desires of human beings are fulfilled. And the deities also become pleased. 

Laws and Measures to Stop the Practice of Sacrificial

Sacrifice is a big stigma for human society. Stopping this should be our first priority. Sacrifice has been made a social system. which has been going on traditionally. It is definitely a social evil. To stop this, first of all there is a need to spread public awareness. Several methods can be adopted for this. Street plays etc.

Names of Countries Where Sacrificial System is Found

Saudi Arabia, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, China, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Thailand etc.




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