
Registered Goats Breed Of India

1. Barbari

Registered State - Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_2017_BARBARI_06002

Detail - 

  • The Barbari goat gets its name from Berbera, a coastal city located on the Indian Ocean in Somalia.

  • Barbari is a breed of small domestic goat found in a wide area in India and Pakistan.

  • It is distributed in the states of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh in India, and in Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan

2. Jamunapari

Registered State - Uttar Pradesh

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_2000_JAMUNAPARI_06011

Detail - 

  • Jamnapari or Jamunapari is an Indian breed of domestic goat originating in the Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh.

  • It has been exported to Indonesia, where it is known as Etawa.

  • The name Jamnapari or Jamunapari is derived from the Yamuna river.

3. Pantja

Registered State - Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_2420_PANTJA_06024

Detail - 

  • Pantja are the local goats of Tarai region of Uttarakhand.

  • Pantja  goat registered through NBAR a national nodal agency to register new breeds.

  • Totapuri goat breeds, mostly reared for milk and meat

4. Rohilkhandi

Registered State - Uttar Pradesh

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_2000_ ROHILKHANDI _06030

Detail - 

  • Rohilkhandi Goat are the local goats of Rohilkhand region of Uttar Pradesh.

  • Rohilkhandi Goat is reared for meat and milk.

  • Coat colour is predominantly black with star or patch on neck and face.

5. Jakhrana

Registered State - Rajasthan

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1700_JAKHRANA_06010

Detail - 

  •  It is an important dairy goat breed of the semi-arid tract of the Rajasthan, India.
  • The Jakharana goat (also spelled Jakrana or Jakhrana)

  • Jakharana goat is primarily raised for milk production.

6. Marwari

Registered State - Rajasthan

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1700_MARWARI_06015

Detail - 

  • The Marwari goat is a beautiful breed of domestic goat from India.
  • The Marwari goat is available and distributed through the Marwar region of Rajasthan, comprising Jodhpur, Pali, Nagaur, Bikaner, Jalore, Jaisalmer and Barmer districts.

  • It’s a dual purpose goat breed and raised for both meat and milk production.

7. Sirohi

Registered State - Rajasthan and Gujarat

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1704_SIROHI_06019

Detail - 

  • Sirohi is an Indian breed of domestic goat.

  • It is named for its area of origin, the Sirohi District of Rajasthan, in north-western India.

  • It may be described as a dual-purpose breed, reared for both meat and milk production, or as meat breed.

8. Beetal

Registered State - Punjab

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1600_BEETAL_06003

Detail - 

  • Beetle goat originated from India.

  • Beetles are mostly found in the northern state of Punjab.

  • Beetle breed is made from Jamunapari breed.

9. Gohilwadi

Registered State - Gujarat

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0400_GOHILWADI_06009

Detail - 

  • The Gohilwadi breed is concentrated in the north-west arid and semi arid regions in the Bhavnagar, Amreli and Junagadh districts of Gujarat.

  • It derives its name from Gohilwad which was a part of the Kathiawar region and was also the old name for district Bhavnagar.

  • Gohilwadi goats are multipurpose animals and are reared for milk, meat and fibre production.

10. Kutchi

Registered State - Gujarat

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0400_KUTCHI_06013

Detail - 

  • The Kutchi goat also known as Kathiawari.

  • Kutchi breed native to the Kutch district of Gujarat

  • Kutchi goat breed derives it's name after the 'Kutch' district.

11. Mehsana

Registered State - Gujarat

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0400_MEHSANA_06016

Detail - 

  • Mehsana Goat found in the Mehsana, Banaskantha, Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad districts of Gujarat.

  • Mehsana is a dual purpose breed for meat and milk production.

  • The colour of the coat is black with white spots at the base of the ear.

12. Surti

Registered State - Gujarat

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0400_SURTI_06020

Detail - 

  • Name of the breed derives from the place called ‘Surat‘ in Gujarat state of India.

  • It is a dairy goat breed and mainly raised for milk production.

  • The Surti goat is distributed in surrounding areas of Surat, Baroda and Nasik of Maharashtra.

 13. Zalawadi

Registered State - Gujarat

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0400_ZALAWADI_06021

Detail - 

  • The breed is from the Surendranagar, Rajkot regions of Gujarat state in India.

  • The Zalawadi goat is one of the major goat breed in Gujarat, and it is also known by it’s local name Tara Bakari.

  • It is believed that the Zalawadi goat breed originated in the former ‘Zalawad‘ region, which is now known as Surendranagar district and part of Zalawad falling in Rajkot districts.

14. Kahmi

Registered State - Gujarat

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0400_KAHMI_06029

Detail - 

  • This goat is native to Saurastra region of Gujarat.

  •  Coat color is unique – neck and face are reddish brown while rear abdominal part is black, locally called Kahmi.

  • These goats are used both for meat & milk.

15. Osmanabadi

Registered State - Maharashtra

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1100_OSMANABADI_06017

Detail - 

  • The Osmanabadi goat is an Indian goat breed which is native to the Latur, Tuljapur and Udgir Taluks of Osmanabad district of Maharashtra

  •  The name of this breed derives from it’s place of origin Osmanabad.

  • Osmanabadi goat is suitable for both meat and milk production. But they are raised mainly for meat production, because of their finest quality meat.

16. Sangamneri

Registered State - Maharashtra

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1100_SANGAMNERI_06018

Detail - 

  • The semi arid region of Maharashtra comprising of Nasik, Ahmednagar and Pune districts forms the native habitat of the Sangamneri goat breed.

  • The breed derives its name from the Sangamner Tehsil of Ahmednagar District.

  • They are medium-sized animals. The coat is completely white with mixtures of black and brown.

17. Konkan Kanyal

Registered State - Maharashtra

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1100_KONKANKANYAL_06022

Detail - 

  • Konkan Kanyal goats were registered as a distinct breed by the National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources in May 2012.

  •  They are native to the Konkan region of Maharashtra, and are reared mostly by the Dhangar and Maratha communities for meat.

  • These goats are mainly black with a white marking in a specific pattern–the ventral surface of the body is white and the legs have white ‘stockings’.

18. Berari

Registered State - Maharashtra

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1100_BERARI_06023

Detail - 

  • Berari name of breed has emerged from 'Berar state'

  • he Berari goats are found in Nagpur, Akola, Wardha district of Maharashtra and Nimar district of Madhya Pradesh.

  • These goats are also locally known by name Lakhi as well as Gaorani.

19. Attapady

Registered State - Kerala

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0900_ATTAPADYBLACK_06001

Detail - 

  • Attapady is found exclusively in the Attappady region of Palakkad district.

  • This breed of goat has been developed and reared by the tribal people for meat purpose since long time.

  • Biodiversity Board and the Animal Husbandry Department have taken up a project to conserve and popularise the endangered ‘Attappady Black’ goat reared in the hill tracts by the tribal people.

20. Malabari

Registered State - Kerala

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0900_MALABARI_06014

Detail - 

  • Malabari goats are bred in the Malabar districts of Kerala.

  • Malabari goats  Also called as Talacherry, Thalacherry, Talacherri, Thalacherri, Tellicherry, Tellicherri, Tellicheri, Talacheri, Thalacheri, Malabari.

  • They are bred mostly for meat, but also produce milk.

21. Black Bengal

Registered State - West Bengal

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_2100_BLACKBENGAL_06004

Detail - 

  •  Black Bengal goat is a breed of goat found throughout Bangladesh, West Bengal, Assam, and Odisha.

  • This breed is usually colored black but it is also found in brown, white or gray.

  • The Black Bengal goat is small in size but its body structure is tight. Its horns are small and legs are short.

22. Chegu

Registered State - Himachal Pradesh

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0600_CHEGU_06006

Detail - 

  • The Chegu breed is fairly widespread in Himachal Pradesh.

  • Chegu goats are recognised for their multifarious utility as providers of quality meat (chevon), pashmina the valuable textile fibre, coarse fibre, manure, hide and skin, and milk to a limited extent.

  • They are predominantly white, though greyish red and mixed colours do occur.

23. Gaddi

Registered State - Himachal Pradesh

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0600_GADDI_06007

Detail - 

  • The Gaddi breed, also known as the White Himalayan.

  • Gaddi Goat distributed throughout Chamba, Kangra, Kullu, Bilaspur, Simla, Kinnaur and Lahaul and Spiti in Himachal Pradesh and Dehradun, Nainital, Tehri Garhwal and the Chamoli districts of Uttarakhand.

  • They are well built and sturdy animals and have drooping and pointed ears with long pointed horns bending upwards and backwards.

24. Changthangi

Registered State - Jammu and Kashmir

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0700_CHANGTHANGI_06005

Detail - 

  • The Changthangi goat is a beautiful animal found in the cold, arid region surrounding Ladakh in Kashmir, India.

  • Changthangi Goat also known as Pashmina goat or Changra goat. 

  • The breed is raised mainly for it’s ultra-fine cashmere wool production.

25. Bhakarwali

Registered State - Jammu and Kashmir

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0700_ BHAKARWALI _06034

Detail - 

  • Bhakarwali are white colored goats distributed in the Jammu division of Jammu & Kashmir. 

  • These are large-sized goats having a convex head. Ears are cut and pendulous.

  • . Face or hindquarters are black in some animals. Pure black goats are also found

26. Ganjam

Registered State - Orissa

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1500_GANJAM_06008

Detail - 

  • Ganjam breed, also known as Dalua Goat.

  • Ganjam is found in eastern India, primarily in the Gajapati, Rayagada and Koraput districts of Odisha also found in Sikkim.

  • They are tall, leggy animals. The coat may be black, white, brown or spotted, but black predominates.

27. KanniAdu

Registered State - Tamilnadu

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1800_KANNIADU_06012

Detail - 

  • Kanni-Adu breed is found in Tamil Nadu in south India.

  • Kanni-Adu also known locally as Pullaiadu and Karapuadu.

  • Kanni-Adu  are tall animals, predominantly black or black with white spots.

28. Kodi Adu

Registered State - Tamilnadu

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1800_KODIADU_06026

Detail - 

  • South-eastern coastal areas, particularly in Thoothukudi and Ramanathapuram districts of Tamil Nadu.

  • Kodi-Adu Breed mostly for meat, but also produce milk.

  • Kodi-Adu Body is Tall, long, lean and leggy with compact body

29. Salem Black

Registered State - Tamilnadu

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1800_SALEMBLACK_06027

Detail - 

  • The native tract of this breed is the Salem, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Erode, Karur and Namakkal districts of Tamil Nadu.

  • Salem Black goats are tall animals, completely black in colour and reared mainly for meat.

  • A new born Salem Black goat weighs 2 kg to 2.4 kg. 

30. Teressa

Registered State - Andaman & Nicobar

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_3300_TERESSA_06025

Detail - 

  • Teressa Goats, as the name suggests, are mostly found in Teressa island.

  • Teressa Goats are generally tall, brownish or black or white in colour with white and black patches.

  • Teressa Goats are Reared for its meat by the tribal farmers of Nicobar archipelago.

31. Sumi-Ne

Registered State - Nagaland

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_1400_SUMINE_06028

Detail - 

  • Sumi-Ne Goats found in Nagaland India.
  • Sumi-Ne Goat, Nagaland Long Hair Goat.

  • Coat colour is white with black patches on head, neck and legs.

32. Assam Hill

Registered State - Assam and Meghalaya

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0213_ ASSAMHILL _06031

Detail - 

  • Assam Hill goats are mostly white with occasional black patches on backline and legs.

  • These goats are short legged with small body size

  • These goats are reared mainly for meat.

33. Bidri

Registered State - Karnataka

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0800_ BIDRI _06032

Detail - 

  • These are black colored goats found in north-eastern part of Karnataka.

  • Horns are present and are directed backward, outward and downward. Ears are pendulous.

  • The Bidri goats were predominantly black (73%) in color.

34. Nandidurga

Registered State - Karnataka

Accession Number - INDIA_GOAT_0800_ NANDIDURGA _06033

Detail - 

  • Nandidurga goats found in the southern part of Karnataka.

  • These are reared for meat only.

  • Ears are leafy and pendulous. Horns are directed backward, downward and inward touching neck in few animals.


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