Cute dog breeds
Cute dog breeds
1. Yorkshire Terrier

- These little dogs are hard to resist and since they are usually no more than 7 pounds, you can carry them everywhere.
- But in their heyday, these petite pups worked hard to keep workspaces pest-free.
- Blue-tan, black-tan, black-gold, and blue-gold are some prevalent coat colors available among Yorkies.
- Owners may trim the hair short for easier care. For shows, the coat is left long, and may be trimmed to floor length to give ease of movement and a neater appearance.
- The final colour is usually a black or greyish colour.

- Just take a look at a Samoyed’s signature smiley face and you can see why this super-fluffy, white breed makes our list of cutest dogs.
- This super-fluffy dog may be a dog allergy sufferer's nightmare, but for others, this happy canine is the greatest buddy ever.
- The requires 45–65 pounds (20–29 kg) and 21–23.5 inches (53–60 cm) at the shoulder for males, and 35–50 pounds (16–23 kg) and 19–21 inches (48–53 cm) for females.
- The Samoyed tail is one of the breed's distinguishing features.
3. Pomeranian

- You can’t forget to include Pomeranians on the list of cutest dog breeds! They’re so cute and they look like real-life toys thanks to their fluffy figures and sweet faces.
- Poms used to weigh about 30 pounds and were packed with muscle.
- The breed has been made popular by a number of royal owners since the 18th century queen Victoria owned a particularly small Pomeranian and consequently, the smaller variety became universally popular.
- But don’t mistake these creatures for lap dogs.
4. American Eskimo

- The American Eskimo Dog is a breed of companion dog, originating in Germany.
- This breed loves getting attention.
- Their sweet, puppy-like faces with panting that looked like doggy smiles melts hearts instantly.
- After World War II, the dogs continued to be popular pets.
- There are three size varieties of the American Eskimo Dog breed, the toy, the miniature and the standard.
5. French Bulldog

- You’ve got to love these big-eyes pups that never get tired of playing.
- The Frenchies would sit in their laps, keeping them cozy.
- Bulldogs were very popular in the past, especially in Western Europe.
- The adopted breed standard was the same one which was already in use in America, France, Germany and Austria.
- These short-snouted, bat-eared, and short-sized pooches are one of the cutest dog breeds one can own.
6. Old English Sheepdog

- Despite their name, Old English sheepdogs are only a few hundred years old.
- The American Kennel Club recognized the Old English Sheepdog in 1885.
- To keep them looking their best, they typically need a daily brushing and regular bathing.
- Undocked Old English Sheepdogs are becoming a more common sight as many countries have now banned docking.
7. Pug

- Thanks to their sweet personalities, tiny build and scrunched up noses, people have considered them one of the cutest pets for thousands of years.
- The word "pug" meant "little cutie" in English in the 1500s. By the 1600s, it took on the meaning of "monkey," "sprite," or "imp.
- These dogs are deemed one of the best-looking dogs.
8. Maltese

- The Maltese can look like a supermodel with its long, silky, white hair adorned with a cute topknot on the top of their head.
- It traditionally has a silky, pure-white coat, hanging ears and a tail that curves over its back, and weighs up to 3.6 kilograms (8 lb).
- They love their family and enjoy cuddling, and sleeping in your bed.
9. Dalmatian

- A Dalmatian is an energetic, playful polka-dotted canine pal that wants to be at your side.
- The Dalmatian is a medium-sized, well-defined, muscular dog with excellent endurance and stamina.
- Black spotted dogs always have black noses, and liver spotted dogs always have brown noses.
- It will run with you, fetch, play a game of hide and seek, and nap at your feet, always with a happy look on its face and smile to go along with it.
10. Papillon

- A papillon is a lot of dog in a dainty frame.
- The Papillon (French pronunciation: French for 'butterfly[-eared]'), also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, is a breed of dog, of the spaniel type.
- Papillons are very intelligent and self-assured dogs that have a very easy time learning new tricks.
- The dog's beautiful, feathery coat completes its refined toy pooch appearance.
1. |
Yorkshire Terrier |
2. |
Samoyed |
3. |
Pomeranian |
4. |
American Eskimo |
5. |
French Bulldog |
6. |
Old English Sheepdog |
7. |
Pug |
8. |
Maltese |
9. |
Dalmatian |
10. |
Papillon |
Blog Upload on - Dec. 19, 2021
Views - 4853
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