Fish for aquarium
fish for aquarium
1. Guppy
- Guppies are beautifully colored nano fish that are also known as rainbowfish.
- They have an elongated body with flat sides of 0.6–1.4 inches long in the case of males, and for females, they are 1.2–2.4 inches long.
- It’s important to keep the water temperature consistent (around 50°F – 84°F (10-29°C)) so they can live happily in their tanks.
- As long as your aquarium is set up correctly and you feed with a high quality flake food, raising a healthy school of guppies should be a piece of cake.
- Guppies are used as a model organism in the fields of ecology, evolution, and behavioural studies.
2. Goldfish
- Veterans often warn new fish keepers to stay away from goldfish because they get so large, but they’re still a great beginner pet because they’re very resilient and easy to care for.
- Either the goldfish are too warm or the tropicals are too cold.
- The most suitable temperature for keeping goldfish is 65-72 degrees Fahrenheit
- A single tailed Goldfish needs at least a 50 gallon aquarium. Many of the double tailed fancy varieties need 75 gallons or more.
- Goldfish also do well on a simple flake food diet, so no special feeding is required.
3. Angelfish
- A member of the Cichlid family, Angelfish are popular freshwater fish that can grow up to 6 inches in length and 8 inches tall
- Since they can grow to the size of a small saucer, keep them in 55 or more gallons of water (especially in vertically tall tanks).
- Eggs are generally laid on a submerged log or a flattened leaf.
- They eat flake and live food and are not difficult to feed
- They are a very rewarding variety for first-time hobbyists.
4.Zebra Danios
- The perfect fish for beginners, the Zebra Danios is small and low maintenance fish that typically grows up to 5 to 7 cm.
- Females are larger than the males and less colorful.
- Being native to the Ganges region in Eastern India, Longfin Zebra Danio likes a home aquarium planted well with open, large swimming areas
- The zebra danio loves a well-planted tank.
5. Betta
- Betta Fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is another popular freshwater choice for aquariums.
- They can be kept by themselves in a 5-gallon aquarium with a gentle filter or with a community of other fish in a 10-gallon tank or larger.
- Bettas are exceptionally tolerant of low oxygen levels and poor water quality.
- They grow to the max. 3 inches in size.
- They need to come to the surface for air, so the surface of your tank should be kept clean too.
- Platies (or the Platy fish) is a stunning freshwater fish that comes in numerous exotic colors.
- They can handle a wide range of pH from 7.0 and higher and tend to prefer harder waters. Most platies now sold in
- aquariums are hybrids of both species.
- They carry eggs inside the body and spawn ready-to-swim entirely formed juveniles similar to them.
7. Rainbow Fish
- Rainbowfish is native to Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Australia.
- Their vibrant colors don’t exactly break in until they’re mature into adulthood.
- They tolerate a wide variety of tank conditions and eat flake and live foods. Size: up to 3 inches – life span: 1-3 years.
- The rainbowfish feed on color flakes, aquean tropical flakes, spirulina flakes, and also betta treat.
- They do best in heavily planted tanks, as they like to weave in and out of the plants.
8. Mollies
- Small and easygoing, Mollies are a great freshwater species that are easy to take care of.
- Native to Central America, mollies are a peaceful community fish.
- Mollies are also available in tons of different variations and colors, so every new aquarist should be able to find a type that fits their tank well.
- The genus Mollienesia, from which the name mollie was derived, has been re-classified as Poecilia and is considered to be in the same genus as the guppy.
9. Kuhli Loaches
- Kuhli loaches (Pangio kuhlii) will either fascinate or freak you out because they look like little 4-inch eels or snakes.
- It is a peaceful ground species that are fond of hiding in the daytime but are more active at night.
- It is a peaceful ground species that are fond of hiding in the daytime but are more active at night.
- Though this species resembles an eel, it is actually not in the eel family at all.
10. Neon Tetra
- They’re pretty easy to care for and prefer neutral pH waters from 7.0 to 7.8
- Native to Peru, this little tetra is the most popular aquarium fish.
- This peaceful community fish is best to be kept in a small school of 3 to 6 members.
- The neon tetra has a light-blue back over a silver-white abdomen.
Blog Upload on - Dec. 11, 2021
Views - 2545
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