
Goat Farming Business

Goat Farming Business

Goat farming is possible in almost all climates with low cost, simple housing, simple maintenance and upbringing. The market is available everywhere for the sale of its product. For these reasons goat has a special place in livestock. In countries like India, animal husbandry business has been running for centuries. Animal husbandry has been the main source of income in rural areas.

Goat is a wonderful creation of God, which is very sweet and very useful. goat farming business. According to a report published by the Government of Rajasthan, the total number of goats in our country is about 12 crores. India accounts for 20 percent of the world's total goat population. Which is a huge number. Animal husbandry business has been going on in the country for a very long time. Goat is a versatile, simple, easy to adapt small animal in any environment, Whose living and eating habits are also good. The government is running new schemes and training for goat rearing, besides giving loans for this. Goat farming business is one such business. Which can start with low investment. Can earn more profit. Goat farming is a multi-useful business, which is useful for humans as well as for the environment. If seen, the business of other animal husbandry is very expensive due to food and water and living arrangements. But goat farming business is a cheap and sustainable business.

Benefits Of Goat Farming Business

  • This business can be done in a small place.
  • You can start this business at low cost.
  • It does not require much labor.
  • The health of goats does not cost much.
  • There is a lot of earning from commercial goat farming.
  • There is no need to build a good and expensive shed for the living of goats.
  • Goat's milk is very beneficial.
  • There is a lot of demand for goats during the days of Eid and Bakrid.
  • Goat meat is in high demand.

How To Start Goat Farming Business

Starting a goat farming business is considered a very easy task by the people. Because even today small farmers in rural India do goat rearing along with other animals. So whenever it comes to starting this kind of business, people usually want to know only two or three things which breed they are. choose? And what will be its cost and where will they get this breed.

goat farming business

Goat Farming Investment

Goat farming business is very good and low cost. But to start this business one has to invest a huge amount. And after that there is not much expenditure apart from food and drink.

If seen, at least 4 to 5 lakh rupees will be needed to start this business. This cost mainly comes in buying the initial goats, building the shed, buying the fodder for the goats and labor cost. But a lot of profit can also be earned from the business.

Note that the cost of the business depends on the number of goats. Here we have calculated the total cost of 1 unit of goats like-

  • A goat normally weighs 25 kg, so Rs.300 per kg will be Rs.7,500.
  • Similarly, 30 kg goat will cost Rs 7,500 (250 per kg).
  • Now there are total 50 goats and 2 goats in a unit, so the total cost will be as follows.
50 goats price Rs 3.75 lakh
price of 2 goats 15,000 rupees
total price Rs 3.90 lakh

Apart from this, the expenses of laborers and living and food are also included. In this way, 5 to 6 lakh rupees will be required for rearing 50 goats.

Place For Goat Farming

Goat rearing requires a systematic place. While selecting the location for this task, keep the following points in mind.

Meal arrangement of goats:

One good thing is that the main diet of goats is green leaves and green grass. If you have a farm, it will cost you very little. Apart from this, you can also feed sardines and bran to goats. If you do not have a suitable place for grazing the goats, then give food three times a day at one place.

Choose Location :

First of all, select such a place for goat rearing, which is outside the city area ie in a rural area. In such places the goats will be safe from the pollution and unnecessary noise of the city.

Number of Goats:

There should be at least one unit of goats for goat rearing. Keep in mind that all the goats reared should be of the same breed.

Construction Of Shed For Goat Rearing:

  • Choose a well-drained site for the shed and suitable for electricity, water and transportation.
  • Roof : Goat Farming Shed Roof You can also use cement sheet or thermal insulating GI sheet
  • Flooring : According to Indian condition, the floor should be of clay, you can also make it from bamboo, wooden strips, plywood or plastic.
  • Walls : Along with the length of the shed, the walls should be 4 feet high, the rest of the space above should be open for air and light, in which you can put iron mesh.
  • Environment around the Shelter : To keepStart with the minimum, as the number of goats increases, make the shed bigger. the surrounding environment green, you should plant trees and plants around the shed.
  • Place one water feeder in each enclosure, you can also make permanent feeders or have temporary feeders.
  • Protect goats from sunlight and keep them in thermal comfort zone, so that productivity of goats will be maximum.
  • The outdoor enclosure should be twice that of the shed house, so that it is easy to move around.

goat farming business

Breed Of Goats

Goats of different breeds are found in our country, their names are being given below. You can start your goat farming business with the help of any of these goat breeds.

Beetle Goat : Goat of this breed is found in Punjab and Haryana. This goat is very good in terms of giving milk after Jamunapari. Hence it is used for milk. However, the chances of twins being born from this breed of goat are relatively high. The price of goat of this breed is Rs 200 per kg and the price of goat is Rs 250 per kg.

Barbari Goat : The Barbari breed is named after the city of Barbera, which is located in Somalia, a coastal region of the Indian Ocean. Barbari goat is also known by other names like Bari, Sai Bari, Thori Bari, Titri Bari, Bari Bari.

Barbari goat is small and stocky in size. This breed of goat is reared in a large area of ​​India. In which goat of this breed is also found in some states of India like Punjab Haryana, Uttar Pradesh Bihar and Sindh and Punjab province of Pakistan.

Shiroi Goat : This breed of goat is used for obtaining both milk and meat. This is a Rajasthani breed. Generally goats of this breed do breeding activity twice a year. There is less expectation of twins in goat of this breed. The price of goat of this breed is Rs 325 per kg and the price of goat is Rs 400 per kg.

Jamunapari Goat : The goats of Jamunapari breed are much better in terms of milk. Goat of this breed gives better milk than goats of other breeds. It is a breed of Uttar Pradesh. The breeding of this breed of goat takes place only once in a year. Also, the chances of twins being born from this goat are very less. The price of goat of this breed is Rs.300 per kg and the price of goat is Rs.400 per kg.

Osmanabadi Goat : This breed of goat is used for both milk and meat. Goat of this breed is found in Maharashtra. Generally goats of this breed breed twice in a year. Twins or triplets (three together) can also be obtained during this reproduction process. Osmanabadi goat price is Rs 260 per kg and goat price is Rs 300 per kg in immediate time.

African Bore : Goat of this breed is used for obtaining meat. The special feature of this breed of goat is that its weight increases a lot in a short time, so more benefits are obtained from it. Also, goats of this breed often produce twins. For this reason, the demand for African Bore goats is very high in the market. The price of goat of this breed ranges from Rs 350 per kg to Rs 1,500 per kg and the price of goats ranges from Rs 700 per kg to Rs 3,500 per kg.

Some Of The Major Breeds Of Exotic Goats:

Sanan : This is a goat from Switzerland. Its milk production capacity is higher than all other breeds. It gives an average of 3-4 kg of milk per day in its home areas.

Togenvarg : Togenberg is also a goat of Switzerland. Its male and female do not have horns. It gives an average of 3 kg milk per day.

Anglonuvian : It is often found in different countries of Europe. It is suitable for both meat and milk. Its milk production capacity is 2-3 kg per day.

Alpine : It is from Switzerland. It is mainly suitable for milk production. Goats of this breed give an average of 3-4 kg of milk per day in their home areas.


Care Of Pregnant Goat :

Pregnant goats need more digestible and nutritious food in the last one and a half months of pregnancy because the development of the fetus in its stomach starts happening very fast. At this time, by paying attention to the nutrition and maintenance of the pregnant goat, a healthy child will be born and the goat will give more milk, which will lead to good physical development in their children.

The average gestation period in goats is 142-148 days. Keep the goat clean and separate from other goats 2-3 days before giving birth.

Nutrition – Apart from grazing goats like green tree leaves, green grass, lentils, sardine, bran etc. Goats need to be grazed for 6-8 hours daily. If the goat has to be kept in the house, then feed it at least twice. Goat also eats green fodder (Berseem, Oat, Corn, Napier etc.) and leaves (Acacia, Plum, Lilac, Peepal, Banyan, Gular Jackfruit etc.). An adult goat can be given an average of one kilogram of grass or leaves and 100-250 grams of grain mixture (with corn flakes, bran, cakes, salt). The amount of food can be increased or decreased according to age and weight. Goat, The nutrition of milking goat and pregnant goat needs more attention.

Disease Prevention Vaccination Of Goats

Mouth and foot disease (FMD) : This disease is related to the mouth and feet, for which the FMD vaccine is given. This tinka is applied to goats at the age of 3 to 4 months and thereafter every 6 months.

Goat Pox : Goat pox is also a very dangerous disease. To protect goats from this disease, for the first time, goats need to be vaccinated at the age of three to five months. This vaccine needs to be given to goats every year.

Hemorrhagic septicemia (HS) : This disease is not very dangerous, but still causes harm to goats. Therefore, apply this vaccine at the age of 3 to 6 months, and after that give this vaccine every year. It is better to give this vaccine before monsoon.

Anthrax disease : This disease spreads in goats as well as in individuals, so it is necessary to treat it. It should be vaccinated at the age of 4 to 6 months and then every year.

Goat Plague (PPR) : Plague is a very dangerous disease for goats. A large number of goats can die due to this disease. However, the prevention of this disease can be done with the help of vaccine. To protect goats from this disease, the first vaccine is given at the age of four months. After this, this vaccine needs to be given to the goats at an interval of four years.

Cost Of Setting Up The Farm

The cost of setting up a farm depends on the number of goats you want to start the farm with. Here the details of the total cost of one unit of goats are being given.

  • Normally a goat weighs 25 kg. Hence, at the rate of Rs.300 per kg, the cost of a goat is Rs.7,500.
  • Similarly, the total cost of a 30 kg goat is Rs 7,500 at the rate of Rs 250 per kg.
  • There are total 50 goats and 2 goats in a unit. Hence the total cost of buying one unit goat will be,
Total cost of 50 goats Rs.3,75,000
Total cost of 2 goats Rs 15,000
Total cost of one unit Rs 3,90,000

Other Necessary Expenses

  • Generally, the cost of construction of a shed is Rs 100 per square feet. Annually up to Rs 3000 is spent for water, electricity etc. Every year Rs 20,000 is required to feed one unit of goats.
  • If you want to insure goats, then 5% of the total cost has to be spent for this. For example, if the total cost of one unit of goats is Rs 3,90,000, then 5% of it has to be spent for insurance i.e. total Rs 1,9500.
  • The total vaccine and medical cost for one unit of goats is Rs 1,300.
  • Apart from this, if you appoint laborers to do the work, then you will have to pay separately.


Support Of Government Schemes

At present, the government is running many goat farm profit calculator schemes to promote agriculture and animal husbandry, such as Kamdhenu Dairy Scheme in Rajasthan, Bhamashah Animal Insurance Scheme etc. Similarly, you can also take advantage by finding out the government scheme of your state. Therefore, before starting the business, also find out the useful plan.

Goat Farming Business Registration

Various schemes are run by the government to promote agriculture and animal husbandry. You can find out and take advantage of such schemes running in your state. Apart from this, you can also get financial assistance from NABARD. Therefore, loans and subsidies can be obtained by applying in NABARD.

  • It can be registered online on the official website “”.
  • Here you have to give aadhaar number and name.
  • After this, click on 'Validet Aadhar', and verify with thumb or OTP.
  • After this you need to give your name, company name, company address, state, district, pin number, mobile number, business e-mail, bank details, NIC code etc.
  • After that enter the captcha code and click on submit button.
  • After the completion of this process, you get a certificate prepared by the MSME. You can take a print of this certificate and put it in your office.

Precautions For Starting Goat Farming

  • To keep the goats healthy, get them vaccinated from time to time.
  • Feed 'Albendazole tablet' from time to time with the fodder to the goats, so that the stomach worms die.
  • Bathing the goats from time to time.
  • Keep the facility of cold drinking water in the shed.
  • Must keep the shed clean, and keep washing it at regular intervals.
  • Business should be safe from urban pollution and wild animals.
  • If goats do not ruminate, get a doctor checked etc.



Marketing is very much needed to run this business. Therefore, you have to take your business from dairy farm to meat shops. You can transport the milk you get from your goats to different dairy farms. Apart from this, good profit can be obtained by selling these goats in meat shops. A large number of population in India eat meat. Therefore, it can be easily traded in the meat market. In this business, you can sell goats directly in the market and slaughterhouse, and apart from this, earning can be done by selling it in Bakramandi. The demand of goats is highest on the occasion of Eid, so make complete preparations before Eid so that you can earn more profit. In this way you have to prepare for business marketing.

Goat Farming Training

If you are thinking about starting a goat farming business, then you should have complete information related to goat farming. And for this you must take training from the training center. You can take training of goat rearing from many institutes in India. With this you will get all the small and big information about goat farming. And the chances of success in business will also increase. Before starting this business, you must also make a Goat Farming Business Plan.

In this way you can start goat farming business and earn good profit.



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