
What is Gulabi Goat

What is Gulabi Goat?

Gulabi Goat is a Domestic Goat. Gulabi goat breeds, mostly reared for milk and meat. Gualbi goat originated in Sindh province, Pakistan and now it is distributed to different parts of the world..The Gulabi goat is a breed that results from crossing four different breeds together. Gulabi Goat is also known as Pateri Goat.  The four breeds that are crossed include the Beetal, the Rajhanpuri, the Pateri, and the Kamori.The word Gulabi in the Urdu language means “pink”.Gulabi Goat is exported to countries like the India, USA, Dubai, Malaysia and other foreign countries from Pakistan. Gulabi Goat is also known as the world’s most expensive breed of goat. Gulabi Goat is most beautiful goat because of colour, Height, ears, horn etc. 

Gulabi Goat

Characteristics of the Gulabi Goat

Gulabi goat head is round and broad with a Roman nose, They have long white ears, Gulabi Goat skin are pink in colour, Gulabi goat is fully milky white colour, They give 1.5 kg to 2.5 per day milk. There wight are 60 to 100kg, They have a white eyes, They give birth twise in a year, Mostly they give twins, the fringe of the neck is quite long, Gulabi Goats ears are 25 to 30 inch long, There nose colour is pink, There Horn is also pink or white in colour.

Gulabi Goat Uses

Gulabi Goats are one of the best goats for dairy production, and they are also one of the best meat goat breeds. But people keep Gulabi goat for their Intrest, They use as pets animal and they can be used for income. You can breed these animals to sell as pets, or you can use them for milking. They also make awesome meat animals, which is one of many reasons why you will see so many farms and homes with Gulabi goats.  

Baby Gulabi Goat

Raising Gulabi Goat

Selection of proper place: To start goat farming, choose a place where there is no moisture and there is open ground around so that you can feed green fodder to the goats daily. If there is pure air and drinking water, the cost of eating and drinking goat rearing should be minimum and you can get maximum benefit.

Number of Goats: Keep the number of goats in the shed as much as you can easily take care of

Cleanliness: Take special care of the cleanliness of the places around the goats.

Feed of goats: Must use Hari Patti in the fodder of goats, it is very beneficial for them and also we can give them guar straw, groundnut straw etc.

Disease Prevention and Vaccine Cause: Various types of diseases can also occur in the reared goats, such as diseases like diarrhea, diarrhea, etc., for which vaccination is used for prevention.


Price of Gulabi Goat

As you know, Gulabi Goat is mostly reared for Intrest, So we cannot buy it on the basis of meat, Here each child has a different price according to  the beauty.

Gulabi Goat Price in India: 100k to 250k

Gulabi Goat Price in Pakistan: Rs.200k to Rs500k

Gulabi Goat Price in US: USD1000 to USD1500

Gulabi Goat

What is Goat?

There are two types of Goats in the world. 1. Domestic Goat (Capra hircus) The domestic goat or goat is  kept as livestock.Goats have been used for milk, meat, fur, and skins.  It was domesticated from the wild goat (C. aegagrus) of Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe.Goat is closely related to the sheep. There are over 300 distinct breeds of goat.It is one of the oldest domesticated species of animal, according to archaeological evidence.They are found from tropical to temperate regions, and they can face very hot or very cold climatic constraints. 2. mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), which live in steep, rocky areas in the American Northwest. 

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