fastest bird in the world
1. Peregrine Falcon
speed- 389 km/h(242 mph)
species- Falco peregrinus
family- Falconidae
- The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the peregrine,[2] and historically as the duck hawk in North America,
- With a top speed of 242 mph, peregrine falcon is the fastest living creature on Earth.
- Peregrine falcons are one of the most common birds of prey and are found on all continents except Antarctica
- The peregrine falcon is a well-respected falconry bird due to its strong hunting ability, high trainability, versatility, and availability via captive breeding
- The Common Swift has officially lost its crown as the fastest-flying animal in the sky.

2. Saker falcon
Speed-320 km/h (200 mph)
Species-Falco cherrug
- The saker falcon (Falco cherrug) is a large species of falcon.
- The saker falcon is such an important element of some cultures that it was named the national bird of Mongolia.
- Saker falcons tend to have variable plumage. Males and females are similar, except in size, as are young birds, although these tend to be darker and more heavily streaked.
- This species usually builds no nest of own, but lays its 3–6 eggs in an old stick nest in a tree which was previously used by other birds such as storks, ravens or buzzards.

3. Golden eagle
Speed - 322 km/h(200 mph)
Species - Aquila chrysaetos
Family - Accipitridae
- The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is a bird of prey living in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the most widely distributed species of eagle.
- The golden eagle is a symbol of both size and power.
- One of the largest raptors in North America, the golden eagle is a powerful brown bird with trademark golden feathers on its head and neck.
- This powerful eagle has a length between 26-40 inches and weigh up to 7 kg.
Golden eagles can also fly at an attitude of 10000-15000 feet.

4. Gyrfalcon
Speed - 187–209 km/h (116–130 mph)
Species -Falco rusticolus
Family - Falconidae
- The white-feathered gyrfalcon is a fascinating species in many different ways. It is believed to be the largest falcon species in the world.
- Gyrfalcons also has exceptional control over their speedy dive.
- The gyrfalcon was formally described by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1758 in the tenth edition of his Systema Naturae under its current binomial name Falco rusticolus.
- They also chase their prey, following them from behind, quickly and low to the ground.

5. White-throated needletail
Speed --169 km/h(105 mph
Species - Hirundapus caudacutus
Family - Apodidae
- While the peregrine falcon and golden eagle show remarkable speed when diving after prey, other birds are much faster in level flight.
- hailing from East Asia, it spends a great deal of time in the air, feeding on small flying insects.
- The spine tailed swift is a migratory bird.
- At the end of winter they return back to their breeding grounds.
- The specific name caudacutus comes from the Latin words cauda meaning "tail" and acutus meaning "pointed"

6.Common swift
Speed -166 km/h
Species - Apus apus
Family - Apodi
- The common swift (Apus apus) is a medium-sized bird, superficially similar to the barn swallow or house martin but somewhat larger,
- though not stemming from those passerine species, being in the order Apodiformes.
- When common swifts get together to mate — at what scientists call "screaming parties" — they turbo boost their speed.
- It spends the spring and summer in its natural breeding territories of Europe and Asia and travels to the southern part of Africa for the winter

7. Eurasian hobby
Speed -159 km/h
Species - Falco subbuteo
Family- Apodi
- The Eurasian Hobby is a small, slender species of falcon that breeds in Europe and Asia and then migrates as far south as the tip of Africa for the winter.
- These falcons are believed to be able to reach speeds up to 99 mph (159 km/h) when they snatch small birds and dragonflies out of the air.
- It became the trademark for the Subbuteo games company after its creator, who was an ornithologist, was refused permission to register "Hobby".

8. Frigatebird
Speed- 153 km/h
Species - Fregata magnificens
Family- Fregatidae
- Frigatebirds can fly for weeks at a time.
- Their main prey are fish and squid, caught when chased to the water surface by large predators such as tuna.
- Separation from Magnificent Frigatebird can be difficult; note pale wing panel in males and indistinct pale throat in females (Magnificent females have a clean all-dark head).
- Chases other seabirds to steal their prey.
- Classified in the genus Limnofregata, the three species had shorter, less-hooked bills and longer legs, and lived in a freshwater environment.

9. Rock dove (pigeon)
Speed- 148.9 km/h
Species - C. livia
Family- Columbidae
- Fairly large pigeon with wild and feral populations throughout the world.
- Aristophanes (Birds, 304) and others use the word κολυμβίς (kolumbis), "diver", for the name of the bird, because of its swimming motion in the air.
- The rock dove was first described by German naturalist Johann Gmelin in 1789.
- In places it has reverted to wild habits, nesting on cliffs far from cities.

10. Spur-winged goose
Speed- 142 km/h
Species - P. gambensis
Family - Anatidae
- It has a warty red bill, face, and legs.
- Africa were found to average only 3.87 kg (8.5 lb), with a range of 2.4 to 5.4 kg (5.3 to 11.9 lb)
- During breeding displays or in instances of alarm, both sexes may utter other inconspicuous calls.
- The poison is also stored in their wing spurs, making them that much deadlier.
- They occasionally ingest toxic beetles, in which their body absorb the insects’ poisons, making their own flesh deadly for humans to consume.

fastest birds in the world
world's fastest bird
1 |
Peregrine Falcon |
2 |
Raw |
3 |
Variety |
4 |
Cow Feed, Cattle, Buffalo Feed |
5 |
Bag |
6 |
All Life Stages |
7 |
Unilac Gold : 5062 |
8 |
Frigatebird |
9 |
Rock dove (pigeon) |
10 |
Spur-winged goose |
Blog Upload on - Nov. 20, 2021
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