Jamnapari or Jamunapari is an Indian breed of domestic goat originating in the Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh.
It has been exported to Indonesia, where it is known as Etawa.
The name Jamnapari or Jamunapari is derived from the Yamuna river.
The color varies greatly but the typical Jamnapari is white with tan patches on the neck and head.
They have a highly convex nose on their head, which gives them a parrot-like appearance.
They have long flat hooked ears which are about 25 cm long.
The udder has round, conical nipples and is well developed.
They also have unusually long legs.
They also have the capacity to produce 2 to 2.5 kg of milk per day.
Jamnapari males can weigh up to 70 kg, while females can reach around 40 kg depending on climate and environmental conditions.
The average milk production has been found to be a little less than two kilograms per day. The amount of cholesterol in Jamnapari meat is low.
During the winter they spend more than 90% of their time grazing, although this drops to about 55% in the hot Indian summer.
Jamunapari goat breeds are mostly reared for milk and meat.
The breed browses on tops of shrubs, tree leaves and grass instead of the usual grazing.
Jamunapari thrives best in a variety of conditions with lots of shrubs for browsing.
The conception rate is high, around 90%. Triple and quadruple are common. The average age of first conception is 18 months